Barbie Ken 60th Anniversary Collector doll 2021

Barbie Ken 60th Anniversary Collector silkstone doll

New Barbie Ken 60th Anniversary doll is expected this spring!

Barbie Ken 60th Anniversary doll

Mattel is going to re-release of the very first Ken doll from the 1961. Here is how it was looked:

Barbie Ken Doll in 1967

This new collector Ken doll is made of the silkstone body.
It has a flocked hair, red shorts with red sandals and a yellow towel.

Barbie Ken and His Outfit
Ken’s Accessories

But the difference beetwen an original and new Ken is that the new Ken will be released on the silkstone body.

Ken’s Silkstone Body

He has an unusual flocked hair material:

Ken’s Flocked Hair


Starting price is withing $ 19,99

Release date:

The starting date of sales is from early spring, 2021.

Where to Buy?

You can buy it on Amazon, Target, Walmart as well as on other US market shops.

Short Details:

Age: 4+
Gender: Female
Regular price:19,99 $
Start of sales:Early Spring, 2021
Where to Buy?Amazon, Target, Walmart
Categories: Dolls